The state-wide minimum wage for Hawaii is $12.00 per hour as of January 01, 2023.
Hawaii minimum wage in 2021: US$10.10 (effective January 1, 2018)
Hawaii minimum wage in 2020: US$10.10
Hawaii minimum wage in 2000: US$5.25 ($8.09 after inflation adjustment)
Hawaii minimum wage in 1980: US$2.90 ($9.72 after inflation adjustment)
If Hawaii’s rank-and-file workers can set aside some small amount of time to engage this issue — and use the power they have — then Hawaii’s minimum wage can in fact become a living wage.
Various business and the Chamber of Commerce will of course tell you that if Hawaii raises its minimum wage gradually over time to achieve a living wage threshold, that the sky will surely fall.
All Hawaii employees working over 40 hours in a work week are entitled an overtime wage of at least 1.5 times their regular hourly pay rate - therefore, the overtime minimum wage in HI is.
Hawaii state labor law excludes from coverage any employee that is subject to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act unless the state wage rate is higher than the Federal Minimum Wage.
HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - A bill to hike Hawaii’s minimum wage is moving to the full house, but critics say it still falls short of what a person needs to live in the 50th state.
In addition to any Hawaii-specific minimum wage exemptions described above, the Federal Fair Labor Standards act defines special minimum wage rates applicable to certain types of workers.
Lawmakers say no Hawaii employers are known to pay less than minimum wage, but reports show some organizations on the mainland have paid as little as 4 cents an hour to people with disabilities.
HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii state House leaders have resisted union pressure to revive bills that would raise the minimum wage and exempt unemployment benefits from state income taxes.
While these are helpful guidelines to follow, to make sure your business is prepared and stays in compliance, you should discuss Hawaii minimum wage laws with your accountant and lawyer.
Hawaii’s minimum wage standards should reflect the basic principle that full time work can provide a minimally decent quality of life and economic self-sufficiency for hard working people.'s CompAnalyst platform offers: