Job Search
It turns out that being a trial lawyer and working in content marketing have a lot in common. I know because I do both. They share being focused...
The average person will change jobs at least 10 times during their lifetime. Are you ready to make a change? Perhaps at your current company, yo...
Do you remember the first time you were asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Probably not. These career planning conversations star...
Being able to accurately assess the industry you want to work in is an important component of your job search. ...
Once you’ve lived somewhere for a while, you can get really attached to the unique elements of a home. Maybe you have a bakery that you have vis...
One reasonable result of starting a job search is deciding whether or not to stay in your current profession. A career isn’t anything more than ...
It is important to talk about experience. What does your work experience give you? It's more than a list of milestones and accomplishments. ...
When you were six, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor? An astronaut? A unicorn astronaut doctor? ...
Have you watched the Olympics? I don't mean like, just ice skating and gymnastics. I mean, like really watched the Olympics. I am a HUGE fan of ...
When we think about our work experience, it's easy to default to titles, skills, or tasks. Just the facts. Here, we want to add a qualitative fi...