Updated on July 25, 2023
Individually reported data submitted by users of our website
Attorney | $95,278 - $123,615 | $110,382 | Marc R Gaylord PA |
Legal Clerk | $31,805 - $39,827 | $33,167 | Marc R Gaylord PA |
Get an estimated calculation of how much you should be earning and insight into your career options.
Weber Law Office PA Wichita, KS | $75,562 - $97,271 Company Salary Range | $85,966 Average Company Salary |
Babcock & Moore PLC Virginia Beach, VA | $75,123 - $96,698 Company Salary Range | $85,470 Average Company Salary |
Kenny Perez Law Brownsville, TX | $69,331 - $89,247 Company Salary Range | $78,888 Average Company Salary |
DKM Law Group San Francisco, CA | $97,793 - $125,878 Company Salary Range | $111,260 Average Company Salary |
Komie & Morrow LLP Austin, TX | $75,957 - $97,771 Company Salary Range | $86,420 Average Company Salary |
Brock Law Firm Asheville, NC | $71,375 - $91,881 Company Salary Range | $81,209 Average Company Salary |
The Brinton Firm PC Los Angeles, CA | $87,512 - $112,659 Company Salary Range | $99,573 Average Company Salary |
Elder & Watkins PC Charlotte Court House, VA | $70,477 - $90,723 Company Salary Range | $80,186 Average Company Salary |
Kirby Aisner & Curley LLP Scarsdale, NY | $90,160 - $116,062 Company Salary Range | $102,579 Average Company Salary |
Marc R Gaylord PA pays its employees an average of $86,378 per year. The average salary at Marc R Gaylord PA range from $75,920 to $97,722 per year. Attorney jobs at Marc R Gaylord PA earn the most with an average annual salary of $110,382, while Legal Clerk jobs earn the least with an average annual salary of $33,167.
The salary at Marc R Gaylord PA is lesser than DKM Law Group. The highest salary package reported for an employee at Marc R Gaylord PA is $97,722 per year, meanwhile the highest salary package reported for an employee at DKM Law Group is $125,878 per year.
The average annual salary at Marc R Gaylord PA is $86,378, or an hourly wage of $42, in comparison to DKM Law Group which pays $111,260 per year or $53 per hour.
Billing, Legal Research and Accounting are key to a Legal Clerk job at Marc R Gaylord PA. Possessing these skills could lead to a higher salary. You can learn and develop high income skills now if you’re looking for a position at Marc R Gaylord PA.
The lowest paying job at Marc R Gaylord PA is Legal Clerk with an annual salary of $33,167 or an hourly rate of $42.