The state-wide minimum wage for Michigan is $10.10 per hour as of January 01, 2023.
Michigan minimum wage in 2021: US$9.87 (effective January 1, 2021)
Michigan minimum wage in 2020: US$9.65
Michigan minimum wage in 2000: US$5.15 ($7.93 after inflation adjustment)
Michigan minimum wage in 1980: US$3.10 ($10.39 after inflation adjustment)
An employer who retaliates against an employee in any way for exercising their rights under the Michigan or Federal law minimum wage and overtime laws is guilty of a misdemeanor.
– The Michigan Bureau of Employment Relations, Wage and Hour Division today announced the state’s scheduled minimum wage increase is not expected to go into effect on Jan.
In addition to any Michigan-specific minimum wage exemptions described above, the Federal Fair Labor Standards act defines special minimum wage rates applicable to certain types of workers.
Make sure your business is prepared and stays in compliance by following these helpful guidelines and discussing the Michigan minimum wage laws with your accountant and lawyer.
These state labor law posters and notices include the latest minimum wage poster from the state, Michigan's Right to Know Law, and the New or Revised SDS form (as part of Michigan OSHA requirements).
Michigan's minimum wage law, the Workforce Opportunity Wage Act, makes all private employers with two or more employees (at least age 16) accountable to the state minimum wage rules.
One Fair Wage, campaigned extensively in Michigan, New York, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia in support of increasing minimum wages and eliminating the tipped minimum wage.
Michigan allows employers to pay tipped employees a lower direct rate of pay than minimum wage and count a portion of tips received toward the total, with some exceptions and restrictions.
The Statewide Independent Living Council and Michigan Centers for Independent Living support eliminating the language that allows people with disabilities to be paid less than minimum wage.
One Federal exemption, for non-live-in employees of in-home care or companionship services, does not apply in Michigan and such employees are entitled to minimum wage and eligible for overtime.'s CompAnalyst platform offers: