The state-wide minimum wage for Nebraska is $10.50 per hour as of January 01, 2023.
Nebraska minimum wage in 2021: US$9 (effective January 1, 2016)
Nebraska minimum wage in 2020: US$9
Nebraska minimum wage in 2000: US$5.15 ($7.93 after inflation adjustment)
Nebraska minimum wage in 1980: US$1.60 ($5.36 after inflation adjustment)
Whether the state of Nebraska works on increasing its minimum wage by either through an amendment or a ballot issue, waiting for the federal minimum wage rate to increase seems unrealistic.
Of course, the minimum wage is just the lowest threshold that you can pay employees, but there are many industries that still start their base pay at the Nebraska state minimum wage level.
As a Nebraska business owner, it is important to familiarize yourself with the minimum wage so that you can pay your employees the correct and legal wage requirements.
Gradually increasing the minimum wage in Nebraska, they argue, will help middle- and working-class people and start to close racial and gender pay gaps.
Donald Baum, chair of the Economics Department at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, said most economists would argue that employers will adjust if the minimum wage is boosted.
In addition to any Nebraska-specific minimum wage exemptions described above, the Federal Fair Labor Standards act defines special minimum wage rates applicable to certain types of workers.
As advocates for Nebraskans with disabilities, we invite you to join us in our efforts to put an end to subminimum wage and sheltered workshops in our state.
There are ongoing discussions about increasing the Nebraska minimum wage at some point within the next few years, but so far, nothing has happened regarding an increase.
All Nebraska employees working over 40 hours in a work week are entitled an overtime wage of at least 1.5 times their regular hourly pay rate - therefore, the overtime minimum wage in NE is.
Nebraska employers may pay employees under the age of 20 a Training Wage of no less than 75 percent of the current minimum wage for the first 90 calendar days of employment.'s CompAnalyst platform offers: