The state-wide minimum wage for North Dakota is $7.25 per hour as of January 01, 2023.
North Dakota minimum wage in 2021: US$7.25 (effective June 24, 2009)
North Dakota minimum wage in 2020: US$7.25
North Dakota minimum wage in 2000: US$5.15 ($7.93 after inflation adjustment)
North Dakota minimum wage in 1980: US$2.60-3.10
Full time students and employees with disabilities may be paid less then the North Dakota Minimum Wage, provided their employer has a license from the North Dakota Department of Labor.
While these are helpful guidelines to follow, to make sure your business is prepared and stays in compliance, you should discuss North Dakota minimum wage laws with your accountant and lawyer.
North Dakota minimum wage laws do not allow employers to pay apprentices a subminimum wage rate that is less than the standard minimum wage.
In addition to any North Dakota-specific minimum wage exemptions described above, the Federal Fair Labor Standards act defines special minimum wage rates applicable to certain types of workers.
An employee may not be discharged (or discriminated against) in retaliation for testifying in an investigation or proceeding concerning wages and hours laws, including North Dakota minimum wage laws.
The manager of a local Taco John's fast food restaurant turned minimum wage into a six-figure paycheck by moving from Idaho to an oil patch of North Dakota.
While the North Dakota minimum wage has stayed the same, it’s important to make sure you’re up to speed on the state requirements if you’re a small business owner.
If you are an employee in North Dakota, you will also want to familiarize yourself with the North Dakota minimum wage to make sure your worker’s rights are protected and being upheld.
According to the North Dakota minimum wage and work conditions summary, employers may apply a tip credit of 33 percent of the minimum wage for tipped employees.
Though there are no plans for a North Dakota minimum wage increase in the immediate future, it’s better to be prepared for when the time comes.'s CompAnalyst platform offers: