The state-wide minimum wage for Ohio is $10.10 per hour as of January 01, 2023.
Ohio minimum wage in 2021: US$8.80 / US$7.25* (effective January 1, 2021)
Ohio minimum wage in 2020: US$8.70 / US$7.25
Ohio minimum wage in 2000: US$2.80-US$4.25
Ohio minimum wage in 1980: US$2.30 ($7.71 after inflation adjustment)
For those individuals, employers may apply for a license to pay disabled individuals less than the current minimum wage, at a rate determined by the Ohio Department of Commerce Director.
Babysitters (in the home where the baby lives) and live-in caregivers for elderly or ill individuals are exempt from Ohio minimum wage law so as long as housekeeping is not a primary duty.
In addition to any Ohio-specific minimum wage exemptions described above, the Federal Fair Labor Standards act defines special minimum wage rates applicable to certain types of workers.
This Note evaluates the constitutionality of Senate Bill 331’s minimum wage provision and whether the right to home rule in Ohio extends to municipalities setting their own minimum wage rates.
All businesses within the State of Ohio must display the new Minimum Wage Notice along with other state-mandated posting requirements where it is sufficiently accessible and viewable to all employees.
There's evidence the worst-case scenarios that are often purported to come with a mandated increase in minimum wage don't ever play out, said Michael Shields, a researcher with Policy Matters Ohio.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (FOX19) - Two Tri-State lawmakers say legislation to increase the state’s minimum wage will bring more economic security and stability to Ohioans and boost the state’s economy.
As with federal law under the Fair Labor Standards Act, Ohio requires that if direct pay and tips do not equal the Ohio minimum wage, the employer must pay the difference to the employee.
There have been no recent discussions or talks held to increase the federal minimum wage any time soon, however, many states such as Ohio take their own minimum wage bill into their own hands.
Handicapped or disabled workers may be paid a special minimum wage rate, lower then the Ohio Minimum Wage, if their employer has a certificate from the Ohio Department of Commerce.'s CompAnalyst platform offers: