The state-wide minimum wage for Rhode Island is $13.00 per hour as of January 01, 2023.
Rhode Island minimum wage in 2021: US$11.50 (effective October 1, 2020)
Rhode Island minimum wage in 2020: US$11.50
Rhode Island minimum wage in 2000: US$5.65 ($8.70 after inflation adjustment)
Rhode Island minimum wage in 1980: US$2.65 (US$8.88 after inflation adjustment)
Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia—are scheduled to raise their minimum wages due to legislative activity.
All Rhode Island employees working over 40 hours in a work week are entitled an overtime wage of at least 1.5 times their regular hourly pay rate - therefore, the overtime minimum wage in RI is.
Arbitrary minimum wage hikes, out of sync with the laws of supply and demand, would do little to lift struggling individuals and families in Rhode Island from poverty while destroying jobs.
Arbitrary minimum wage hikes, out of sync with the laws of supply and demand, would do little to lift struggling individuals and families in Rhode Island from poverty while destroying untold jobs.
And he said the minimum wage increase would help more than 70,000 Rhode Islanders working in grocery stores, big box retailers, restaurants, and gas stations.
It is unwise for Rhode Island lawmakers to push minimum wage hikes, which result in business closings and increased unemployment, especially when joblessness remains high.
Due to this, lawmakers in the Rhode Island House of Representatives are considering two pieces of legislation that would increase the state’s minimum wage.
In addition to any Rhode Island-specific minimum wage exemptions described above, the Federal Fair Labor Standards act defines special minimum wage rates applicable to certain types of workers.
Typically, states include scheduled minimum wage increases when passing such legislation but Rhode Island’s minimum wage law does not include any future scheduled increases.
Domestic employees, immediate family of the employer, and employees working at seasonal eating or recreation facilities/camps are exempt from the Rhode Island minimum wage.'s CompAnalyst platform offers: