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Getting to Know Yourself While Job Searching

If you do not truly know yourself, the job search process will be difficult. You need to be able to tell a potential employer who you are and why you will add value to their team.

How to Make Your Day Productive When Job Searching

There is no right or wrong way in job searching, try several methods and platforms until you find what is beneficial for you. Here are some ways that you can improve your job search.

How to Structure Your Job Search

If you do not structure your job search, the process can seem out of control and complicated. Before the situation escalates, follow these suggestions to build structure.

Job Search: The Journey Journal

Job searching is like a roller coaster and one great way to keep track of the process is by using a journal.

Job Searching Is a Full Time Gig

Job searching takes time and dedication, follow these steps to prepare yourself for an optimal outcome.

Meditation - Getting Centered in the Job Search

Meditation can help provide clarity and stress relief throughout the job search. Always remember to take a deep breath, you are doing great.

Before You Look to Indeed, Look at Your Values

Getting to know yourself is a lifetime occupation and will ultimately have an impact on both your job search and how well you fit in with a company.

Job Searching: What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up?

There are so many career choices and you need to be able to explain to a recruiter what you want to do and why, so dig deep and narrow down your job search.