Pay Equity
Continuous Pay Analysis
Manage your pay equity process as frequently as you like and archive all results for audit purposes.

Refresh Data
Automatic Alerts: Receive automatic alerts regarding out-of-date information in job description, market pricing, or structure areas.
Ongoing Updates: Update job content, structures, and other key areas whenever there’s an event tied to compensation, such as a new hire, performance review, promotion, or termination.
Insights You Need to Get It Right
The latest research, expert advice, and compensation best
practices all in one place.

The Plunkett Pay Equity Framework™
The Plunkett Pay Equity Framework prescribes a six-step methodology to attain pay equity

The Power of Pay
Addressing pay equity requires a process to ensure that everyone is paid equally.

Understanding the
Gender Pay Gap in America
Women in the United States earn 80 cents for every dollar paid to men.

Embracing Fair Pay in the War For Talent
White Papers
Learn how organizations are using market data to establish equitable pay structures.

Building and Analyzing Salary Structures
Learn how to maintain and update pay structures within your organization.